Proper filtration


fish magnet

I have a 72 gal bow front run by a Marineland 350 canister filter, an aqua clear 200, and a marineland 550 powerhead. The tank has a sand substrate, and no live rock. I currently have a Orbic batfish, a flame hawkfish, a firefish goby, a choc. chip star, and a crab. I want to add some additional fish i.e. bangaii cardinals, and a blenny of some sorts. Do you think my filtration needs are fullfilled, or do I need to add something, i.e. a protein skimmer, etc.?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I would definatly add a Protein Skimmer. I use a Sea Clone on my 55 with INCREDIBLE results relative to the ratings that some people give them. You can get them for around 70 dollars too. Other options include the Prizm, although I think that I would either get a Sea Clone or step up to a big model like a Berlin Turbo Skimmer. As for your circulation, I would look into some more powerheads. At least one more powerhead would help keep your tang and the blenny that you want happy. My Midas Blenny and Salifin Tang spend almost all day in the current. :) The Magnum is a good unit, but I don't know much about the Aqua Clear. I think that you are probably ok to add those fish IF you get the skimmer (it is really worth it) and add some powerheads. And if you buy a skimmer, you could always look into live rock (your fish will like it, you will like it, and your nitrates--if you have any-- will hate it ). Hope this helps you and good luck.