Propogation Tank Flow Shelves


I built a few of these for propigation tanks i never got setup, so i figured id sell them. They were intended for a 20L prop tank as flow diverting shelves that you hook a closed loop to or a return pump to. They work really well, and were only used with test flow.
29" Long
9" to the top shelf
5" to bottom shelf
10" deep
The flow goes in all directions, and as shown in the demo (just a low pressure garden hose) it will work wonders for creating a diverse flow pattern. I will be selling this one for a low low price of only.... $45. These are not only going to be great for prop tanks, but also for a base for your regular tank. Think.... flow coming in through the rock work attached to one of these bad boys! I can make any size, shape. You give me the idea, ill build it.
How it works? Well the return from a pump comes into the top part and is forced through the shelves then out the many holes in the pipes, creating a good flow for your tank, vice one wide or narrow flow from the locline we all use. Good for use with a closed loop, or your return pump! Check out the pictures in the link above.


:( Dang... guess ill have to put them up elsewhere... when i get home from work tommorow ill redirect the link to the personal website. Feel free to sign up at our boards, its free :) and we have a lot of good guys/gals,tips and tricks there.