Proposed setup: which shrimp?


2 gal deco kit w/ 13w lights. I want to get either one clown or neon goby, no hermits or snails (maybe a few snails if I can't control the algae on my own), and a few shrimp. I'm going to have an all-mushroom tank.
Now, my question: which shrimp? I'm going toward either 1 cleaner shrimp or 2 sexy shrimp. Which would be better, or can I have both, if this is all I get? I'm only going to have the one fish, so the bioload won't be huge. I may even leave out fish altogether, so I can focus on the shrimp and coral.


Active Member
i wouldn't put in a cleaner, IME they can eat other small shrimp and even little fish. You could easily keep a colony of sexy shrimp though


Really? Do you mean the CBS? I've kept the skunk cleaner (the one I'm thinking of getting) before and it was perfectly peaceful. I find that interesting though, and thanks for sharing.
How many sexy shrimp could I keep in there, do you think?


This is what I plan on doing in my 3 gallon deco kit.
Yellow Clown Goby
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
variety of soft corals,
and maybe some lps.


Yeah, that's a good setup. I love the skunk cleaner, but I'm gonna have one in my 55 anyway, so I may want to focus on the sexies... xD


Active Member
Sexy shrimp are really cool.
I've never heard of cleaner shrimp eating other shrimp or fish.


I agree. I think I'm settled on sexy shrimp, but how many can thrive in a 2 gal tank? Notice I didn't ask how many would fit, because if they aren't happy, I don't want to watch them.


Active Member
gotta say I love the sexy shrimp, I'd get at least a pair as mine seem to like to hang out together.


my favorite shrimp out of the ones you listed is definently the cleaner shrimp they have tons of personality and also they DO NOT eat small fish and only eat small shrimp such as mysis (of course).
But if you have the time/money to buy Harlequin shrimp their specials food of starfish tube feets they are neat. But the only reason no one gets is because they eat starfish feet but othe rthen that imo they are the bets looking shrimp.


I love harlequins, but would rather not buy them starfish to eat. No star eaters for me.


Active Member
"they DO NOT eat small fish"
tell that to my neon goby
he also ate a small blue CB shrimp
saw both of these myself
i'll admit i had a particularly huge mean one, but it wouldn't be a far cry from mysis to sexy shrimp, and yes it was a cleaner