Pros and Cons of Macro


What are the pros and cons of the different macros
Leafy calurpa
Grape Calurpa
If i have all three should i put a devider in my fuge to keep them from choking out each other?
Is one any better than the other?
I've heard grape can go sexual and turn my tank green.

other than being green is this harmful or stressful to corals of fish? How long before the green goes away?


I'm interested in setting up a hang on refugium and also want to know the different charecteristics of each macro.


Kip, if you dont mind my asking, where did you get your info on that? i would like to do some deep research on that subject. wondering if you could point me in a direction here


Thanks kip, i would appreciate that. I presently am growing caulerpa in my fuge, with no problems to date, but wasnt aware of there being any ill effects of them. But i would like to know more about the ill effects you spoke of, and decide if changing mine over to something else is in my best interest. Like everyone else, im always willing to learn, and do whats best in the interests of my beautiful and gracious visitors of my tank.
so thanks in advance for the info and any sources you could point out for me.


Active Member
wasn't it calfo that suggested harvesting calurpa releases NO3 back in to the water. At least that's what he suggested at a club meeting here a few years ago. That's where the spaghetti and chaeto was fist suggested to me and others around me.
FWIW, I got a bag of grape a few days ago that is different then any I have seen. The guy I got it from told me it doesn't go sexual... This stuff almost looks like chaeto, very small grapes if any.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
mini grape?
i have had it.. same result as regular grape (racemosa)

Have to see on this one. He says he's had the reg grage and this stuff is different when it comes to going sexual. Maybe its not interested in ---.