Protective sleeves for bulbs


Is anyone using those protective sleeves that you can get for your bulbs to keep the salt off? Our 55 was quite successful fairly quickly so we just converted to a 90 gallon set up with a canopy and VHO lights. Now our bulbs are installed into the canopy but the splash is a bit of a concern to us - starting to see a little salt residue on the bulbs, so looking to see if anyone has had any problems with using those protective sleeves you can purchase separately. These are double-ended bulbs so they don't have the protective coating built in, I don't think.


Active Member
Just wipe the lamps down every few days. The protective sleeve will cut down on output and possibly filter out some part of the spectrum of light your critters need..


Okay.....I had just heard the sleeves might actually prolong the life of the bulbs, but I certainly do not want to give up the light output. Do I need to worry about bulbs breaking and gases poisoning the tank? Had heard that somewhere a while back as well. :notsure:
With my former lighting system, it had a built-in shield so I didn't have these issues. Sorry if they seem like dumb questions. BTW, thanks much for the help.


Active Member
Don't worry about VHOs getting a little splash on them. Just wipe them down regularly (when they are off and cool). If anything, the sleves shorten their life as they keep in heat.