proteen skimmer?


after the break in period and the skimmer has been up and running for a while, would you guys agree that the water gets clearer and if so by how much % wouldyou guys guess???


My experience which is extremely limited is that it did nothing for water clarity...for me that is. My water has been clear, the protein skimmer seams to pull out all of the nasty stuff in the water. Now if you have really nasty water than yes I am sure it will make it much clearer for you. It's going to be different for everyone as everbody's tank conditions are different.
If its helping your tank or if you think its helping your tank....that's all that really matters!
Good luck!


Active Member

Originally posted by cbrynolf
Now if you have really nasty water than yes I am sure it will make it much clearer for you.

That will be the only way you will see a difference in clarity. Protien skimmers are designed to withdraw DOC's (Disolved Organic Compounds) which are not visible to the human eye unless in extreme concentration.
If you are having issues with water clarity, you may want to think about trying a high quality activated carbon for a couple of days. Running carbon is used to polish the water up and make it clearer, it is also used to absorb harmful compounds and chemicals from the water column.