Protein Skimmer Constantly Dirty


New Member
Hello. Got a 75 gal reef tank with 60 lbs of lr, a few fish, a few shrimp, snails etc.. got a couple frog spawns.. protien skimmer has been getting very dirty very frequently. Is this the signal of something.. lots of brown algea also.
More water changes ?


your skimmer is working then. that is what it is supposed to do. it pulls the protiens from the water


Active Member
Originally Posted by reckler
your skimmer is working then. that is what it is supposed to do. it pulls the protiens from the water
chances are after a while it'll pull less gunk and then after a while every day you'll know exactly how much skimmate your going to have in the cup, I dont even look any more, I know I can go five days with out dumping the cup (providing nothing drastic happens) water changes and supplements can cause them to pull more stuff out. always keep an eye on your skimmer when stuff changes in your tank, especially if you use supplements.
Just as a side note 60 lbs of live rock isnt quite enough for a 75, you should be around 1 to 2 lbs per gallon. another 20 lbs wouldnt hurt, (except in the wallet of course) :thinking: