Protein skimmer, filter, etc


New Member
Hi all...
I have a couple of questions regarding my tank setup.
I have a 36 gallon bow front, that is currently cycling with about 15-20 lbs of live rock. It is running a Marineland Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filter, with also an airstone going.
Im looking to buy the bak-pak2, but am not sure if I really need all this for such a small tank. I seem to rarely see power filters mentioned, is it neccassary to have it and an airstone witih a protein skimmer going, or just a protein skimmer with a powerhead?
I think I'm leaning towards a fish and invert tank, but would like the option for coral.
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!


New Member
you'll definately need some kind of filtration other than just a protein skimmer.
i would take out the airstone and use a powerhead instead.
you should have atleast 10x your tanks volume of water per hour of water movement.
penguin bio-wheel filters are a great filter for a low price
i've used them for years without problem.
most poeple will probably tell you to upgrade your filter.
not a bad idea but not entirely necessary.
the most important thing is that your water paramaters are stable and low.
my ammonia and nitrites = 0
nitrates = 10


New Member
depends...if you are goin to get corals most people would tell you you need a protein skimmer
if fish only its not completely necessary but wouldn't hurt


Active Member
If you are going to have fish, I would definately run a skimmer. It will take the disolved organic (poo) material out of your tank.


New Member
another question---:)
is it counterproductive to have a biowheel going?
i occasionally see some info that says to take it out, as it takes away from the live rock---but then see other setups that have both going fine?


New Member
once your tank is established and runnin for awhile you'll probably have enough bacteria on the live rock, substrate etc. that you could take the wheels off...but leaving them on doesn't hurt anything