protein skimmer for a 10 gal??


i've just come to the decision that i really need to put a protein skimmer on my 10 gal tank. i just need help to find one that will work well, but hopefully isn't too expensive. i have a filmy substance now that floats on the surface of my water, along with a new algea problem. red slime AND hair algea. you know it's not good when the hair algea is completely covered in slime algea. lol. found that out when i did a water change a little bit ago.... sucked off the slime algea to discover hair algea underneath! yuck.
so anyways.... what would be a good protein skimmer for a 10 gal tank? :happyfish


Active Member
I've been trying to find out the same thing for my 20 gallon. I do have to say though, don't get a visijet. They are cheap and I bought one and it is a piece of junk.


ok, thanks for that little tidbit! it's so hard to find one that's even small enough, because most of them are just too small! lol.


Have you thought about making your own? There is a Nano forum website that has some good DIY threads for building a small protein skimmer.


current puts one out for up to 20 gal. It is for there nano tank it can hang on or be inside the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moto757
current puts one out for up to 20 gal. It is for there nano tank it can hang on or be inside the tank.
The has really bad reviews. Supposedly makes mad bubbles and has heat issues associated with it. Wait until this summer, Aqua-C is coming out with a nano-skimmer or get a Remora made by them. If you do 2 gal water changes every week without fail,you should'nt need a skimmer.


yea the whole water change thing....i'm getting better about that. lol. hopefully the algea will go away, but there's also some funky leaf-like things growing out of just one piece of my lr. i don't have a pic, as they're at funny angles so you wouldn't even be able to see them anyways. but they're weird, i've never seen any before. i'll try to get a pic in a couple days or so, they have gotten bigger, but i need to find the battery charger for my camera.
thanks for the input! :happyfish