Protein Skimmer for a 56 Corner?


New Member
I have been going back and fourth about which protein skimmer to get. First I looked at Seaclone 100. But then I started reading there crap. Then I looked at high dollar skimmers like Euro-Reef which is out of my price range. So now I'm at the Octopus 4" Needlewheel Skimmer NW-110. Anyone know of anything bad about these or any suggestions on something for the same price. They run around $150+shipping online. Any kind of input would be awesome. Thanks


Active Member
For the money, you will not beat the octopus. You can mesh mod the pump for even better performance if you like, or just leave it alone. You can get it for $130 with free shipping at aqua cave using coupon SPRING75
free shipping over $75


I have an Octo and love it. I had a Coralife SS65. For the money, it rocked. If I were to do a smaller tank again, I would do the Coralife.