Protein Skimmer Help Please!


Is it normal for a hang on the back skimmer to make bubbles ALL THE TIME when the clean water falls in to the tank after beeing skimmed?? i dont really like how this looks, does it go away after a while or what?? It looks all dusty when i turn my skimmer on, whats going on? please help


Active Member
Well if the water is falling and splashing to make the bubbles then you need to raise the water level and if the bubbles come out of the skimmer it is there for a reason. Some skimmers mix o2 with the water inside of it.


what kind of skimmer do you have? You're always going to have some bubbles but it shouldn't be clouding your whole tank.


How long has the skimmer been set up? Mine had a three day break-in period where I had bubbles. Now that it's over, no more bubbles.


skimmer has been setup for hours at a time then turned off because of the mess iut makes, i have a JEBO 180 skimmer hang on the back, ALSO NO MATTER HOW I SETUP THE TURN KNOW CURRENT it OVERFLOWS and fills my cup COMPLETELY and spills all over the living room, please help


The only way to adjust that is to take it off the tank put it in a trashcan and back away. Then order a bakpak 2 or an aqua C remora.

gun freak


Originally posted by steveoutla
The only way to adjust that is to take it off the tank put it in a trashcan and back away. Then order a bakpak 2 or an aqua C remora.



Sounds like you're getting to much oxygen in your skimmer. Try to adjust the oxygen or flow down so that it doesn't over flow. I'd let it run for a few days as a break in period to get rid of the bubbles.


New Member
I have the same one.It'll clear in a few days of running.Do you have leaks in you seams at the bottom and elbow?


I have the same problem with my hang on back skimmer, I talked to the president at AquaC and he said that if you use any type of water conditioner with a stress coat, like Novaqua than this will create the tiny bubbles. Try using a water conidtioner with no stress coat, another thing you can try is put a piece of foam where the water comes out of the skimmer this will also decrease the amount of bubbles.