protein skimmer ( I need help,PLEASE!)


New Member
I am sorry folks for asking this question agian but I am starting to get worried. As I posted before ,I got my 75 gal about 3 months ago ang it had already been set up alittle over a year then and the skimmer has been working fine up to about 2 months ago. I can not remember what kind of skimmer I have but its located down in my 1000 amiricle sump where the water first comes into my sump akong with a heater. I can give a discription on it but I guess they all lok alike. It has a black top (cup) with a little black hose out the top,clear tube with a black base at bottom and then a black hose for dranage. I am not seeing any foam, nothing in my waste jug ( I was dumping waste jug about 1 time per week). Agian this is about 2 months now. I have the following, 80 lbs live rock,yellow tang,coral beauty,2 black/white damsels,1 yellow damsel,copper band butterfly,scooter bleeny,1 goby,many crabs,2 clams,many mushrooms,brain,colt coral and some other soft and hard corals and anenames. IS THIS SKIMMER POSSIBLY BROKE.
. It was working fine now nothing for 2 months (?) PLEASE HELP ! :help: I want to replace it ASAP if need be, IT is important peice of equipment isnt it? Thanks Chad
PS>> If you cant tell, I am fairly new to the hobby and really respect you all on your noliage and am very greatful to have you guys willing to help!


Active Member
does it have a adjustment for how much air enters the skimmer? you might just have to clean the skimmer