Protein Skimmer/ Lighting


New Member
This is my first post, but I've read and read. I'm setting up a 75 gal fish only tank. What are some suggestions for an economical skimmer to put in my sump? Also, what are some suggestions on lighting untill I can build the VHO compact hood that is in the future? I currently have 75 gal water, 75 lbs live rock on the way, crushed coral substrate, sump set up with just bioballs. It had fish previously, but I learned the hard way to read before buying. Thats why I'm asking all you!


Welcome to the SWF.Com message board
Possabilities for skimmer are: Berlin Classic (Not the Turbo), Excalliber in sump, the list goes on and on.
However if your just cycling you will not need the skimmer for a few months.
Sounds like you got yourself going fairly well with tank, sump, VHO, and skimmer.
A suggestion if I may, IF this is going to be a reef tank then you might want to rethink the Crushed Coral, don't get me wrong if you like it go for it, just that sand is so much better IMO.


New Member
Thanks Thomas, its already set up with the exception of the Skimmer, good lighting ( I have 1 48" blue, and 2 24" white flourescent), and Live rock is on the way. Crushed coral is already in it. This is for a fish only tank
I really am looking for suggestions on what skimmer is economically best, and possibly what posts here tell me how to set it up!


I purchased my Berlin in sump skimmer and Rio 2500 pump for 170.00 + S/H.


I would get the skimmer, but I would stay away from the seaclone. I have one and I have had to get creative with the joints on it because it keeps developing leaks.



Originally posted by lilbuddy
if you are doing an FO tank imo no need for vho or skimmer. Maybe skimmer down the rd. There are a few places you can get lighting cheap, email me if you would like sites.

skimmers help A LOT (i would even go as far as to say its a necessity) in a FO tank due to the amount of waste produced in the tank, esp if you have a predator tank. use a powerhead to move the water because you can't have a cleaning crew.


If your looking for more opinions I second the DSB. I think before you get your LR you should ask opinions on what your advantages are to putting sand in. So many people make the mistake of putting CC in their tanks and then find out the advantage of a DSB and tear their tanks apart to change. You have the advantage of just starting out.
Just my opinion.