protein skimmer-no collecting foam??


New Member
I am having a hang on skimmer that
uses diffusing stone. The cup is not
collecting foam as much before.
What could be wrong? My tank is a 30 gal
tank. Should I change to a better skimmer
For the size of my tank which skimmer do you suggest?

david s

for a 30 i would run a prizm u can get them pretty cheap they are a little noisy but work good (not extremly noisy)


Try taking it all apart and cleaning it all out? Maybe replace the airstone? I have a prism that had stopped collecting - I thoroughly cleaned it out and it worked like new again.


Active Member
After a tank has been setup for a while and regular water changes have been established it is normal for a protein skimmer not to put out as much as when first started. Also like someone else said your airstone might need to be replaced.


The counter-current types aren't really very effective at all, I don't think. Even a cheapie venturi (like the prizm) will quadruple the performance.
I know what you mean though--Hey wait there's no junk?? Is it broke or just no stuff to take out?
Been there, done that.
An established tank, I believe always has junk. I would upgrade, if you can.
Good Luck