Protein Skimmer Problem!!!!


My 75 has just recently cycled and It had a massive algae bloom and now that the ammonia is back down to 0ppm the bubbles in the collection cup are so thick they wont liqifiy and turn into sludge they dust wont to spew out of the vent whole in the top. Any suggestions?


this sounds too familiar... i had the same problem with mine the first two weeks i had it. did you use "stress coat" or some other dechlorinator that "replaces natural slime coat?" If you do, you need to turn off the air valve for like a week until all of the aloe is filtered out. if you dont use that kind of dechlor, you probably just have the valve turned up too high. the directions say, only have it 3/4 of a turn and then increase the air flow if you need too. you will get the hang of it, i promise. :yes:


I am having the same problem with my seaclone and I know its because i use aqua safe to detox my tap water. How am i suppost to run the seaclone and keep my tap water detoxed at the same time?


Active Member
Hey, I got an idea...
Don't use Tap Water...:nope:
Either get an RO/DI filter or Buy RO water for your tank...:yes:
It is quite possiable you'll end up with worse problems than algae if you continue using Tap water...


sorry to upset you man. not every has the extra cash lyin around to go get an r/o unit costing a couple hundred


New Member
ro water isnt expensive :rolleyes: ... wally world has ro water for less than 2$ for 5 gallons. not a lot of money if you have a smaller tank w/ little evap. the water dispenser has carbon and RO and UV sterilization. test kits show 0 for everythig, so its clean water.

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by donahue
sorry to upset you man. not every has the extra cash lyin around to go get an r/o unit costing a couple hundred

If you want to be cheap, buy a goldfish.
I bought my RO/DI for $150, if that's too expensive for you well maybe you should find a different hobby. I'm not trying to be a jerk but if you don't want to invest in it and do it right why do it?:)


aggreed thsi hooby is not cheap, not cheap at all, if you dont want to spend $100, for the ro/di system, dont even look at lights for reeftanks....


LOTS of overtime involved in this hobby so you can pay for it. i think its worth it tho...