protein skimmer question?


i just set a refrigum and my wet dry. everything is looking great but my question is do i really need my protein skimmer? ive never been able to get it working right and dont want to use it again. if i do need one which one should i use? any help would be great. its a 55


Whether you "need" a skimmer is debatable. Some claim that if you don't have one that your beneficial bacteria will grow accordingly and stabilize your tank, but a few members here tried to go skimmerless, with unsatifactory results.
Food and fish waste converts to protein 3 stages before it reaches becoming ammonia. Removing it at the protein stage seems the most sanitary to me.
If your skimmer doesn't work, get a different one. I have no experience with in sump skimmers so if you have a sump, you can ask for a simple reliable skimmer, but if it's to hang on the back, lemme recommend the Aqua C Remora Pro. Love that thing! Works awesome!!


Active Member
I would say that you definitely need one, based on present and what looks to be future tank structure. It appears that you are going to stock a good deal of different corals correct? Looking like you may be a fan of leathers and polyps. Carbon is a good way to remove the toxins that they release, however you would need a LOT. On a cost basis, you would probably end up saving money in the long run with just a skimmer.


Personally I wouldn't have a tankwithout a good skimmer, but a dear friend set up a 125 g tank without a sump; and added a surface water skimmer to his cannister. By pulling off the top of his water column he has been very successful. He simply cleans filter pads weekly and and changes his media monthly. I like the Coral Life super Skimmers - with the needle wheel. Mine can be set up in sump or as a hang on. Pulls a foam like crazy with a very dark fluid build up in collection cup that will make you ill when changing it!
Anyway the choice is yours and I have seen systems work with and without.
Your overall bioload and feeding regime will determine your needs best. Good luck.

reef bug

If you still have your skimmer, you should try to get it working. If you see what properly operating skimmer does for you tank, you would never run without it.
What's the problem you're having with the skimmer not working right? Maybe we can help you fix it??


i cant get it to skim right. all it does is pull water from the sump and does not foam at all. and when it does not much at all. if first had a 800 rio on it and that was just to big i put a rio 400 on it and it worked better but not how it should. its a sealife skimmer with a rating up to a 75 gallon tank.