protein skimmer? too many choices!!!


looking for an in-sump protein skimmer for a 55gallon + 25gallon sump. looking for quality but for no more than $200-$300.
any suggestions?


I've been useing a Turbo Floater Multi and I hate it. I can't do anything without it overflowing. Adding water, water changes, adding chem's, this thing is to touchy. Can be working fine and come home and check and it'll be overflowed. I can't get it adjusted!


Active Member
hum.. thats weird.. i have a tf classic and i love the thing... i think it's one of the best bang for the buck
... ( dont know how yours is doing soo bad...hum..) anyhow.. for under $300 u can get a lot.. theres bak pac hob skimmers.. or romora's... and for in sumps.. i like tf1000... asm.. euro reef.. u cant really go wrong with them 2 last one.. ( asm and euro's and the same thing.. the funckion the same just dif materials.. just one is cheaper the the other,, )... but dont get a berlin!!! they friggin suck..


Active Member
If you got a sump, then go with the AquaC Urchin pro. You will not regret it. It will cost you under $200 and out performs most any skimmer in that price range.


Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
hum.. thats weird.. i have a tf classic and i love the thing... i think it's one of the best bang for the buck
... ( dont know how yours is doing soo bad...hum..) anyhow.. for under $300 u can get a lot.. theres bak pac hob skimmers.. or romora's... and for in sumps.. i like tf1000... asm.. euro reef.. u cant really go wrong with them 2 last one.. ( asm and euro's and the same thing.. the funckion the same just dif materials.. just one is cheaper the the other,, )... but dont get a berlin!!! they friggin suck..
I'm not really sure what's wrong either. I had been using it as a hang on to make room in my sump. The trouble was that it would run great week to week and then all of a sudden I would go to feed or check the collection cup and it would be overflowed. Now I've moved it into the sump to keep from having water damage in the bottem of my stand. When it works it work great. I've shortened the return pipe so the pump is closer to the surface of the water like the directions state to eleminate wet foam and everything. The flow knobs are at the min. setting as well. Just don't know. :notsure:


Active Member
hum... as in sump u still have the same problem as hang on???? cuzz im thinging that when u had it as hang on.. the return from the skimmer was submerged under water like.. and that kinda gives the skimmer a back pressure.. so as your water evaporate and fluctuating... the back pressure changes and causes the water lvl in the skimmer to raise thurs leading to wet skimmate ,filling up the cup faster and overflowing... so if u have in the sump.. then im perdy shure you wont have problems ??..... just a thought.... if this isnt the answer then can u give more detail.. or even start a new trend and ill try to help u there.. as not to steal this trend..


thanks fo your help everybody. i was thinking about an asm or euroreef and others seem to think so, so i'll probably go that route!!


Much better results so far after putting the skimmer in the sump. More consistant foam. Only time will tell but it's starting off better than when I first installed it as a hang on. :thinking:


Originally Posted by TheGrog
If you got a sump, then go with the AquaC Urchin pro. You will not regret it. It will cost you under $200 and out performs most any skimmer in that price range.
]Can I ask where you got it for under $200?