Protein Skimmer & Water Tests?

aqua blue

I am thinking about adding a protein skimmer to my tank. Right now I am just doing monthly 10 gallon water changes. The pH level stays at 8.2-8.3. The Ammonia level stays at 0. The Nitrite level stays at 0. The Nitrates vary from 5-15. They drop after water changes and then gradually rise until the next change.
I wanted to hear from people who have added protein skimmers to their tanks and how it affected the developement of Nitrates in their water tests. Did it make a noticeable difference in the "rise" of Nitrates in their tanks? Did it allow them to do less frequent water changes to maintain low Nitrates? I have read that many people are suprised at the amount of "junk" that their skimmers remove from the water after adding them to their tanks. I was trying to compare the "visual" impression of skimmer waste removal to the change in water test results.
I am considering a hang on skimmer that does not extend too high above the back of the tank. I don't really want to "display" the "skim cup" and its contents. I realize that this limits my choices to less efficient skimmers. I have considered just replacing the Aqua Clear 300 filter with a second Emperor 400 and keeping active bio media in the extra media trays to use in my QT/HT when needed. I would then just continue with my monthly 10 gallon water changes to maintain decent Nitrate levels. This would give me a 800gph circulation of "filtered" water and a "neat" look to top back of the tank.
I am currently running a low level simple system. Things seem to be going well and I don't plan on adding anymore fish. I may add a few more inverts. Maybe another cleaner shrimp, another amemone crab, and a starfish of some sort.
I have a total of 800 gph circulation right now. I keep the small regent 100 gph filter running with just bio media to keep it active for use in my QT/HT when needed.
Am I way off base with this setup? I am still new to this hobby and I appreciate all the help and advice that I have recieved and continue to ask for.
Thanks Again:) :D :cool: