Protein Skimmer? YES or NO?


I have a 24G Nano Cube. Wondering if i should be running a protein skimmer. Also, i was wondering if anyone runs a sump/fuge with their nanos? how big? If i do get a skimmer, would it be a problem to get a skimmer made for a bigger tank (ie. 100 gal) just want to know because i'm probably gonna want to upgrade to a bigger tank soon, probably a 55g or maybe even 125g.


does anyone have a picture of their nano cube 12G or 24G with this fission skimmer? I want to see different ways it installs. I was interested in getting one for my 12G nano tank. Thanks.


I have two Aqua pods and I was going to buy the fission skimmer but my LFS told me they were a waste of $ He said they don't work and I have since read this in many different places. I guess I'll wait for them to perfect the design. I change water weekly and everthing stays as it should. I also have a very small bio-load.


yeah my friends fission stopped working after a few days,
the air tubing got all messed up in it and the bubbles were huge!!


Originally Posted by tangs123
yeah my friends fission stopped working after a few days,
the air tubing got all messed up in it and the bubbles were huge!!
once again ive heard nothing but bad things about these skimmers. my vote is do water changes.


Have had my 24 gallon Nano Cube for about 9 months now. No skimmer, everything looks great. Pretty big bio load too. I just got as much live rock and sand in there as I could. about 30 lbs of sand and 45 lbs of rock. I do 10% water changes every 2 weeks and more if the parameters change too much.
Hope that helps


Active Member
I do a weekly three gallon change on my 24 JBJ nano cube and it has been doing quite well for the past seven months, however, skimmers are amazing machines, and if I even went topless I would definitely run one. My choice would be the Aqua C Remora.


Honestly I don't think skimmer is required for a nano tank. I have a 25 gallon tank and I initially ran a skimmer alone with no mechanical filter just live rocks. It was working great but the only thing is that the water wasn't as clear. A lot of particles was floating around, and on the sand also. I just added a canister filter and my tank is looking great. I've had other nano tanks in the past and none of them had skimmers and they did great. If I was to choose I would just use a filter (personally prefer canister) with surface skimmer, and do a water change every other week.


i'm just curious if everyone that's recomending the fission skimmer actually has one ?
in my opinion their a piece of junk and don't work .
best fix for a nano is water changes and patience .........
don't waste your time or money on the fission .