Protein skimmer


What kind do you have?
I have an AquaC Remora. The owner's manual suggested cleaning the inside with warm water (no soap) every 3-6 months.


Can you still take it back? :D I started with a SeaClone 100 because I got one at a good price. After one week it hadn't collected a single thing! I took it back and purchased the AquaC Remora from an online vendor. In about 12 hours it had already started to collect some foam.
If you are sure you want to keep the SeaClone, I'd suggest checking what the owner's manual recommends for maintenance. My guess is it would be ok to clean the canister out with warm water every few months.


New Member
I have never had any trouble with it .The canister just needs to be cleaned.Thanks for you help I will read my book on it.


I have the seaclone 150 in sump, and it seems to be doing a fine job. Im no expert on skimmers though, but it gets sum nasty stuff out, i change the cup like once a week, maybe more.