protein skimmer


Ok - I have a skilter 400 on my 45 gallon tank - anyone know what this is and if its any good? Please let me know - how do I know when the protein skimmer is working and is it suppose to make that much noise when I open the valve? Thanks so much for any advice.


New Member
Noisy isn't it..:D I had a 250 on my 20g, but it has been replaced. I don't even think the Skilter filter is any good...I was constantly having to change filter pads.
Sorry, I feel your pain. Is it too late to take it back to the store for a refund? On 2nd thought, if you still have the receipt and the is never too late to take a skilter back!
There is a way to improve the skilter with an air pump and maybe an air stone, but I have no idea how that improvement works.


How do I know if its working? Its making bubbles and noise but nothing is in the catcher tray - Its been running for about a month now. Do you think my LFS will take it back if I still have the box? My problem is right now they told me to put some medicine in my tank for my royal gramma for a possible parasite but the bottle said to make sure you have a skimmer working. I don't know if mine is and yes it is very noisy!!



Originally posted by NE
How do I know if its working? Its making bubbles and noise but nothing is in the catcher tray - Its been running for about a month now.

No offense, but your tank isn't that clean. In a month's time it should definitely have started to collect. My skimmer started collecting about 12 hours after I hooked it up.


This is not a skimmer we are talking about. It is a skliter. I have had the small skilter (250?) for like 2 years...maybe twice has it EVER collected anything.
its worthless.



Originally posted by mbrands
No offense, but your tank isn't that clean. In a month's time it should definitely have started to collect. My skimmer started collecting about 12 hours after I hooked it up.

Do you mean her tank is too clean? If her tank isn't clean, wouldn't that give the skimmer something to collect?
Actually, I would let the LFS that sold the skilter to me know how upset I am & that the skilter DOES NOT work...let them make amends to you!



Originally posted by bcollie
If her tank isn't clean, wouldn't that give the skimmer something to collect?

Yes, "NE" said it had been running for a month and collected nothing. I'm saying that there is no way his/her water is that clean. It should have started to collect by now.



Originally posted by mbrands
Yes, "NE" said it had been running for a month and collected nothing. I'm saying that there is no way his/her water is that clean. It should have started to collect by now.

Ooooooh....I mean her skilter should have pulled put skimmate by now. My skilter only pulled a little wet foam in the 2 mths it ran. I now have an AquaC Remora skimmer running (for about two weeks) but it hasn't pullled much skimmate either. Maybe that's because I have no fish in the tank, only a clean-up crew?


btw mbrand...I love your goldens. I have one too..she is between 11-13 yrs old; I adopted her from rescue. She is my 2nd golden; my first golden died 5 yrs ago at the age of 13.
Good luck with your pups.


Thanks, bcollie! Here is a bigger shot of my 2 "boys". Jake (on the left) is almost 4 now. Chase (on the right) is a little over 7. This picture is a year old, but they look about the same. :D


Hey everyone - Ok went to my LFS today and they basically said it sucked too!!! That is the protein skimmer but they did say that my tank can be clean enough not to pull anything out yet soooooo he said they would take it back if I still had the box, which I do. So should I return it and get a different filter? or should I just keep it for now and use it just as a filter? The filter works fine - I did see a protein skimmer that will hang on the side that I could get at a later date. We are not going to do any coral reef so I don't think I'm in that big of a need for a skmmer right now seeing that I don't have a big load of fish in my tank - what do ya'll think? Return it or just keep it and use the filter? Its a 400 so the current flow is pretty good - I guess! haha I'm just trying to figure this out day by day!!! Another question - anyone know about Lunar AquaLights by Coralife? Let me know - we're wanting to get a glass top and are looking at these lights for some anenomes with our clown fish. We just have a condylactus anenome in there right now with a 20 watt 50/50 light and he's doing just fine but from what I've read we need ALOT more light. Thanks everybody and cute pups!!!!