Protein skimmer


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank with a few tomato clowns and a couple damsels. some crabs, and a coral bradded shrimp, About 20 pounds of rock a emper 400 and a 400 GPH power head. I want to get a anomine, how necesary is a protein skimmer, and what kind would you sugest? Becaouse I feel the tomato clowns need a place to hide. Also I seem to lose a fish every once in awhile could it be the lack of a protein skimmer?


no expert, but i am awake so...
from what i have read on this site a skimmer is probly the most important piece of equipment you can have on your system. i have read people running system on live rock/sand and skimmer. also, depending on you light package an anenome or corals may not be best bet for system.


also, if you could add more rock that would benefit the system in the long run. if lr not really an option for you try baserock, in awhile it will be alive and assist in filtration of system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lenr87g
I have a 55 gallon tank with a few tomato clowns and a couple damsels. some crabs, and a coral bradded shrimp, About 20 pounds of rock a emper 400 and a 400 GPH power head. I want to get a anomine, how necesary is a protein skimmer, and what kind would you sugest? Becaouse I feel the tomato clowns need a place to hide. Also I seem to lose a fish every once in awhile could it be the lack of a protein skimmer?
id say get more rock, what kind of lighting do you have, if you dont have MH id suggest up grading to MH if you really want an anemone, protien skimmer is pretty neccasary, i just got an Amiracle Mini Quad Skimmer for my 55 (can handel up to a 100 gal. tank) you wouldnt believe how much junk its pulling out, and all the corals are already looking better then they ever did


New Member
do I need the protein skimmer from the get go?
or follow the LFS advice that my tank should be a couple months old before I add one?


It is not necessary to run it during the cycle of the tank. Actually I would have to say that it is possible that running it could slow down your cycle because it takes all of the junk out that during a cycle you are trying to build up everything. After tho it is one of the best things you will have for your tank. And I must say do not go cheap on a protein skimmer. Believe me you will be very thankful.
Hope this helps.. I haven't been around for awhile.