we have a backpac 2 protien skimmer, and it is really dirty. Should we be cleaning the plastic filter stuff? we are also getting a really funky smell. The wall is getting green too. Is that normal?
what do you all have in the tank??????? you may be over feeding if it plugs up that quick..... do you have a charchol filter running that will take away the smells.... you have the tank to close to the wall if green is getting on it wash with soap and warm water to clean wall....
The purpose of the skimmer is to clean your tank water. Think of it as vaccum cleaner that needs the bag changed. So does your skimmer's collection cup need its cup clean. It won't work right if it is dirty. Probably if you keep cleaning it, the water in your tank will finally get clean enough so that you are not having to clean out your skimmer cup so often.