
Active Member
Originally Posted by DeeZuM
Is A Protein Skimmer Necessary For A 29gallon?
IMO a protein skimmer is a neccesity on any size saltwater setup.


Active Member
All tanks regardless of size or style of tank being FOWLR, aggressive, or reef will benefit from a good protein skimmer


Active Member
I just hooked my coralife ss220 onto my 210 and you would not believe that crap it is pulling out, looks like mud-water.
I have read articles that say you dont have to run a skimmer but I wouldnt try it.
You also have to remember most of these guy's publishing books are phd's, marine biologists, etc.
so to answer your question, yes you need one.


when i first got my skimmer i saw the gunk that it was taking out of the water i was amazed. just because your water is clear doesnt mean its clean. get a skimmer! You wont regret it.


Active Member
Protien skimmer is a must and keep in mind that it also removes good stuff so water changes are good as well.


Ok folks, I agree that PS's and good on large systems and small, but...............if you keep up with a 10% weekly water change+ strict use of RO water............I would not say that any tank under 30g really and truly NEEDS ONE, keep in mind that need and nice to have are not the same, and when just starting your tank most folks are on a budget. Dont believe me, think I am misleading youth?........Ask yourself one question, "Is acceptable water quality for sustaining healthy marine life possible without the use of a Protien skimmer?" The simple answer is yes. Im sorry but you can find experts that are on opposite sides of the fence. I have a 20 long, more corals than fish, only 36w of t-5 light, and NO tank is thriving----and i know many of you had the same result before you got a PS, The real key is tank husbandry-your commitment and a continued attention to detail. Let the flames begin


Active Member
I see your point but...IMO...Who wants to do weekly water changes? Not me!
I have a 210 fowlr and my nitrates are around 10 when its time for my water change once a month, I do a 50 water change.
Now granted the bigger tanks are actually easier to take care of...IMO anyway.
In my 55 trates would be around 20 when it was water change time, so I saw a major difference with the 210 and bigger bio-load now also.