protein skimmer


Active Member
Need help in deciding on a protein skimmer. We have 55g tank with Coralife Aqualight 48" with 2- 65 watt 50/50s, 350 Penguin boi-wheel, Regent overflow filter, 2 power heads, 10# of LR, 60# base rock, 56# LS. Would like opion on skimmer. Thanks for any and all info.


mcbdz, I have a 72 bow. Not a very high bio load and 85lbs LR..I'm using a prizm pro and like it very much. Alot of people will disagree with me but, what the hey. It pulls out a lot of green black gook, and my fish and amenome are thriving.


Had the Prizm and it did pull a lot of junk out of the water. The one I had needed constant adjusting to keep it skimming and to keep it from overskimming. By that I mean filling up with water. I swiched to the Aqua C Remora like TQ mentioned and enjoy it. It's much quieter and once it's adjusted properly you're done. My other choice would've been Coralife, but never got a chance to try one.


i ahve a saline solutions....i had a question about cleaning the skimmer......all the junk gathers in the top....whats the best way to shut it on/off and clean it out???and as well how often should it be done...


I have a corallife ss 65g in my 75g tank with megaflow model3 sump.
My ss works great, I have a flame angel and 2 green chromis with a coral banded shrimp and they all seem very happy. Then again 75 gallons is a lot of space for these little guys.


The thing about skimmer chosing is not about what it combines with in your setup. What you need to think about is the bio-load your going to put in the tank,Small or big? Whats your actual set up going to be,what you putting in, then you determing which skimmer is best for you.


Also just a little tip: be careful with that 350, Hang over the back (HOB) filter it can lead to nitrate accumilating,therefor your algae blooms will be alot stronger and longer.
The reason i wrote this is because i bought one myself without knowing its reputation.Then i had an outbreak of hair algae(what a pain).I did not realize that i wasnt cleaning my filter pad as much as i had to(and water changes). Therefor i had a nitrate loving/feeding factory. Just a little help so you can avoid it a little. hopefully you'll understand.