Protein Skimmer??


New Member
The guy at my LFS who is helping to get my aquarium set up says that he doesn't think protein skimmers are worth the money. He says he has never known anyone that has been happy with theirs and that with a reef aquarium I simply won't need one. Does this sound right to you guys? I always thought that was an important part of the equipment needed.


Active Member
Go to a different LFS in my opinion. We all have different oppinions about how to run our reefs but advising against them seems downright silly. He perhaps doesnt understand how they function and thier purpose. Many people do run nice tanks without them, but generally they are considered a given on most systems nowdays. Is he old school from 20 years back in the saltwater world by chance? Allot has changed.
Exception- if its a small tank then I wouldnt bother either. It really gets a chance to show off its abilities in larger tnaks where doing waterchanges gets expensive and time consuming in a hurry. I would personally put the over under for opinion on skimmers at the 75gallon range. Me myself? I would run one on anyting over a 30g but thats totally just me. Smaller tanks you can just do waterchanges and avoid toxins just as easily.


Protein skimming is a must. If I didn't have two protein skimmers I wouldn't have pulled 10+ gallons of CRAP out of my tank.
Skimmers pull organics out of your tank BEFORE they turn into possible ammonia.


please please please someone post a pic of the cr*p that skimmers pull out of their tank.....that in itself will answer the question


New Member
That's what I thought. From reading other posts on this message board it seems like a protein skimmer is a must have.


Originally Posted by laredo300c
please please please someone post a pic of the cr*p that skimmers pull out of their tank.....that in itself will answer the question

well, here you go. I got one last night and it pulled this much stuff out of my water in about 2 hours! of course the green stuff is the crap its pulled out.