protein skimmer


do they make a skimmer to run in a closed loop system??find it hard to believe they only have them for sumps......if thats the case someone needs to figure one out and make some money cause i'm not the only closed loop fan.


Active Member
Skimmers have to allow foam to form and build free of restriction. That means there cannot be any back pressure on the water colum inside the skimmer, so they cannot work on closed loops or pump water higher than themselves.
If hang on is not an option, then you'll either need to set up a sump, build a compartment in the tank for the skimmer to sit, or somehow locate the skimmer above the tank so the water can return unrestricted.


Active Member
You cannot pump water out of a skimmer to a higher level than the skimmer itself. So if you did bulkheads, you'd still have to place the skimmer so that the neck of the skimmer is above the waterline of your tank.