Protein Skimmer


Active Member
This is of much debate. In theory yeah, you could, However some have reported that one of the skimmers seems to do all the work. Skimming as much as it normally would while the other does little or no work. I don't know if there where other things a play that prevented the crippled skimmer from being effective or not. Or if there's something else going on that prevents it from being effective. I would tend to believe though that it would be fine as long as the skimmers can both get an equal amount of unprocessed water to it. In other words if on is set so it is kinda downstream of the other, then it would be seeing at least some processed water, thus making it less effective.
I have to wonder though why would you want to do this. Certainly two0 skimmers will cost more to operate, be twice the maintenance ( you'd be dumping poo constantly), and most likely cost as much as a properly sized skimmer would.