Protein Skimmer


So, Ive narrowed it down to two HOB skimmers for my 55g soon to be reef tank.
An Aqua C Remora Skimmer or
An Octopus Skimmer
Ive been reading about the Aqua C and seem very happy with that choice. Only thing Ive heard is that it is noisy. I can live with that as long as it gets the job done.
Read good reviews about the Octopus but have seen alot of people that have added "mods" to make it work correctly.
Anyone have any good insight?


Active Member
The Octopus skimmers are great machines. I own two myself and am happy with them.
The Octopus skimmers are IMO more for the tinkering hobbyist that likes to mess around and tweak things. They offer outstanding performance to cost ratio, and even hobbyists who just want to plug it in should get great results.
However, AquaC Remoras are legendary HOB skimmers. I'd choose this one if budget was not an issue and you want something that "just works."


I've heard that the Aqua C is noisy which is kind of a problem for me. I've also heard that after it breaks in, the noise is reduced. But I don't know how accurate that is.
I'd like a Octopus but dont want to have to add "mods" for it to work at maximum.
i have the aqua c remora pro (more expensive
) and i am VERY happy with it, i do admit it can be a tad noisy, but i do not even have a canopy on my tank so i can even hear water at the surface sloshing, if you have a canopy i would not be worried about noise, also i have the giant mag3 pump which i can only imagine creates more noise than a maxijet or something of that nature, i have a 55g as well and just went for overkill with my skimmer getting something rated over my tank size, but money does factor in what you are available to get, check out a certain auction website to get better deals ;P, i got the pro model with the mag pump (once again more expensive) for $190 shipped, hope that helps
with the free shipping yeah i would say that is a great deal, i am not sure how good the maxijet will be though, i tried one on mine and it didnt nearly pull as much out of the water as the mag pump i got.