Protein Skimmer


If you are shooting for a reef tank with no filtration with exception of a protein skimmer, do you try to get a skimmer with 4 to 5 times tank turnover rate/hour? If so, can u take a berlin skimmer and just add more pump to it? I will need to be at about 800-1000gph.


I have LR, LS and a Skimmer on my tank. It is a 55 gallon with a Turboflotor 1000....I think it's rated to 250 gallons. And...I am upgrading to a 75 withou changing the skimmer.


Active Member
A more powerful pump could force too much air into the skimmer and it might overskim the tank. I know you control the air flow rate, at least on my Berlin you do, but, a thick, continuous foam is ideal.
I would rely on an appropriately rated skimmer and natural filtration if doing a reef.... eg... deep sand bed and live rock. Then again, that's just my opin-ion. There are plenty more out there. Good luck. :cool: