Protein Skimmers on an Eclipse


New Member
I recently bought a new 29 gallon Eclipse Saltwater setup. Due to the limited amount of space under my hood , can anyone recommend some type of protein skimmer that would fit?:help:


I have the 37 gallon eclipse and my LFS person was able to cut a hole in the back of the hood so that I could put a HOB skimmer. I'll do my best to try and take some pictures of it tonight for you.
He did some research on the internet about it and found the plans. Not sure I where though.


Active Member
I have that 29 eclipse also, I'm guessing you would need to cut out part of the back on the right of the biowheel section.
Speaking of which. My LFS guy said I shouldn't even run the biowheel in there if I have live rock and sand. Anyone have an opinion on this?


I took mine out because I was afraid of nitrates in the bio wheel.
However, I've had a cyno outbreak, so I reintroduced it to help oxyginate the water. The cyno is still there, but it's not as bad. I'm going to reduce the lighting some to see if that will do it. Can't be over feeding since I only feed every other day.
forgot about the pictures...sorry.


Active Member
I've also got the same eclipse hood, and at first found an in-tank skimmer that will fit to the right of the bio-wheel if you cut out the plastic brace from the filter to the right side of the hood. It was a Lee's Protein Skimmer; really cheap, and worked decent, but needed tweaking alot and took up space. Now, I use a 4-1/2 foot tall skimmer I built myself that works awesome, and connects through the side of the hood.
I'll attach a pic;


Active Member
wax32, I've left my biowheel in for now, but I've heard they are unaffective on a salt tank, and can be a nitrate factory. I tried to remove it, but it made too much noise without it, so until I find an alternative, I've left it in.


Do you leave your carbon filter in the left side? If not, you can put some floss or phospate filter median in there. It will quiet it down, but it won't be completely silent.


Sorry, but on a 29 gallon eclipse, that skimmer looks like crap. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of having the all-in-one eclipse.
Just my opinion:notsure:


I finally got some pictures of my HOB on my Eclipse. I'm not sure how well you can see how it's put on though.



Sorry, but on a 29 gallon eclipse, that skimmer looks like crap. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of having the all-in-one eclipse

I think this whole thread defeats the purpose of an "all-in-one" eclipse, but thats just my opinion too :rolleyes:
I think that huge DIY skimmer looks cool, although some peole see reefkeeping as an artistic display and others more of a science experiment...I lean towards the latter.


Hey Dark! Do you have the link to the site that shows you how to make the skimmer you have. If you could email it to me at I would appreciate it. Thanks.