protein skimmers



I was going to ask what people recommended for a hang-on skimmer, but after reading some older posts I think I pretty much have the idea(not the seaclone :D). One question though, probably a stupid one...definately a newbie one, does a hang-on go on the inside or on the outside of the tank?
HOB stands for hang on back so it would go on the outside of the tank. A lot of people have been talking about the Prism and seem to like it. I have a CPR bakpak 2 skimmer and it seems to work quite well on my 55g tank. I think a lot of people will recommend a CPR bak-pak anyday.


I saw a Prism in action at a store in the area it seemed to be doing the job quite well. from the information I read it can handel up to a 90 gal tank and it's look is nice for a HOB, not the usual skimmer look of a Oil Refinery hanging off your tank. the only thing I questioned is the effectiveness. the water flow seemed to me to be slight.


Active Member
The prism definately seems underpowered. I personally would not put one on anthting larger then a 30gal.


Active Member
We use the Seaclone with great luck..Check out our web site, We have a pic of our skimmer with 2 days worth of guck in it. LOL Lisa :D


I had a seaclone (HAD) for about 2 weeks. Absolute junk. Why should you have to make so many modifications to get something to work? Would you buy a car that needed a dozen modifications just to get it running? I bought a bak pak2 and it works great! :)