Protein skimmers


Any opinions about an Aquac Remora hang on as opposed to a Seaclone?
Which one do you guys like better? The seaclone is half the price of the remora with the prefilter and the maxijet pump. It would be nice to save the cash, but not if it means getting a substandard skimmer.


Active Member
Yeah, I second that. You get what you pay for in this hobby. Go with the more expensive one, and you will be thankful later.


Active Member
Another AquaC vote here. The Remora I owned pulled out skimmate equal to Euro Reef skimmers that I've run.


seaclone i dont ask about seaclones on this forum either they hate it or love it, i love mine its awesome u wouldnt believe da results da pump is pimp too powerful, quite, n removes sooo much ---- every like 3 days u hav to empty thats how good it is