protein skimmers


Active Member
is the seaclone 100 and 150 a good protein skimmer? i want to get one for my tank is it to loud or no good or what please let me know thanx a ton


Active Member
im being completly honest here..... i have never heard a good review from here or anywhere else about a seaclone skimmer..... well...... There was that one kid...... But he upgraded and within 2 hours he had about 3 inches of dry skimmate he said........ His opinion then changed. lol
i have the coralife superskimmer. It is one of the less expensive oens and it does well IMO. However, i have never heard a complaint about the Aqua C Remora as far as a hang on skimmer.


For what it's worth. I have a 75gal tank and have been using a 150 seaclone with great luck. it's easy to us and clean. I think it's worth the money.


Active Member
hmmmmm cuz i have a 220g and i was given a seaclone and already had a remora that was on my 75 and i figured i would just use the both of them instead of buying a new one would that maybe be ok?


the remora would be fine.Just put a larger than stock pump on it.That's what I did,and it works great.


Active Member
On a 220? Use the two until you can afford a real skimmer. Even a Remora Pro (Great skimmer, I use one) wouldn't make a dent on a 220. Are you using a sump? If not you should consider adding one. The in sump skimmers do a much better job.


Active Member
Euro-Reef are the best in-sump skimmers IMO. They are a bit expensive but all good skimmers are. You can also look into the Aqua C Urchin. They are quality skimmers for a little less price.


Active Member
ill be adding a sump and refugium a little later but for now i think ill be somewhat ok?


Active Member
Don't stock too much and keep an eye on your water parameters and you should be fine until you get a good skimmer.


Active Member
yea for now ill be stocking only a bamboo shark that ill be purchasing as an egg in a couple weeks when the tanks done cycling.. and in six months time ill be caught up from all the money ive put out and ill be able to start to add a sump and refugium and a better skimmer that can do the whole thing for now im just trying to watch what im spending but itll be fixed before the shark is to big thanx for all the help


Active Member
Yeah I'd have to agree the seaclone just won't cut it on that size tank and the Aqua C isn't cut for the job as well either......I have to disagree on the EuroReef being the best in sump skimmer.......Check out Deltec which would blow EuroReef away, and depending on your price range why waste the money on an overpriced EuroReef?????? :notsure: You could get an ASM or GEO skimmer for less money and same quality skimming......If you do a search and find the new GEO skimmer Golfish just got it looks far better than any Euro you'll find plus he was able to opt in a better pump than Euro is running as well.....Plus you'll find alot of people aren't satisfied with Euro customer service.....Again if you wan't good and money isn't an object look DELTEC......If you want reasonable and good quality check out ASM or GEO.....


Im running a turboflotor and it seems to be doing a good job. Much better than my seaclone i have one the other tank. The seaclones also have a VERY VERY VERY small collection cup. Unless you buy it for like 20$, i wouldnt get one. But it does come with a maxijet 1200.