Protein Skimmers


From what I have read Euro Reef Skimmers are the best? Any one have any opinions on this? Are there any skimmers out there even semi-comparable but less money?
Any out there I should stay away from completely?


Active Member
I dont mean to sound rude....but euro reef is about 15th at best if you ask me. Deltec, bubblemaster, h&s, ETSS, mrc, octopus, aqua euro, tunze, precision marine....and the list goes on. All of the above are better skimmers than ER's IMO


Originally Posted by joncat24
I dont mean to sound rude....but euro reef is about 15th at best if you ask me. Deltec, bubblemaster, h&s, ETSS, mrc, octopus, aqua euro, tunze, precision marine....and the list goes on. All of the above are better skimmers than ER's IMO

No, no, this is what I need to know!! Thanks for reply! Anyone else got an opinion?


Active Member
I agree, fully.
I think EuroReefs are over-priced and are not really as great as everyone says they are.
If you want the best, I would give that honor to Deltec. However, they are among the most expensive.
I have a lot of faith in ETSS skimmers. They are more reasonable in price and are great quality skimmers. I have used them on all of the tanks I have set up for myself and have not been disappointed yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I agree, fully.
I think EuroReefs are over-priced and are not really as great as everyone says they are.
If you want the best, I would give that honor to Deltec. However, they are among the most expensive.
I have a lot of faith in ETSS skimmers. They are more reasonable in price and are great quality skimmers. I have used them on all of the tanks I have set up for myself and have not been disappointed yet.
yeah the deltecs are way expensive...I think $1800 is their cheapest one. for the money and performance I love the ETSS's and the mrc's are really nice too. Those would be my two choices out of all skimmers


I just bought an EV-180 based on a lot of research and recommendations from this site. It is reasonably priced as well which makes it nice. I have heard that Euro Reefs are good skimmers are good but getting service and parts is near impossible if something breaks.


I just bought an AquaC EV-180, but I haven't hooked it up yet. I have seen a lot of recommendations for these skimmers on this site and did a lot of research. I have also heard a lot people make the statement that the Euro Reef skimmers are the best, but I have also seen a lot people say they are not so durable and that service and getting parts for them is near impossible.


yeah the deltecs are way expensive...I think $1800 is their cheapest one.
Deltec's cheapest skimmer is actually $279 for the MCE300. They have 6 different skimmers for under $900. But yes, they are generally pretty high. Their highest priced skimmer is $16,969.00! Can you freakin' imagine! That's almost what I paid for my brand new Mazda 3.


Okay when they say 180 to 400 gallons on the ETSS skimmers what does this REALLY mean? It seems like such a huge swing. Is that possible?


Active Member
it basically means that they think it will handle up to a 400 gallon water volume. I would say that pretty much all manufacturers overate a tad.
which model are you looking at?? the 600 or 800??


Active Member
with that range you are looking at the 800. With a pump that will total $800
I have and etss but if it were me for that kinda money and size of tank I would get a mrc-mr3, it is rated to 500 gallons for $415 plus pump which would be around $575 total. You could probably even get the mr2 with a mag 18 for around $450 total.
The nice thing about the mrc's is, say you got the mr2 and decided you needed more, you can add another injector for $25 if you search the site where u bid on stuff. and then it is like 2 skimmers in one.
Forgive me for rambling, but I have spent an enormous amount of time recently researching skimmers. All the rage right now on the other forums is the needlewheel pump skimmers, mainly because of less energy draw. PHOOey on energy usage, I dont care about spending an extra $4 or 5 every month for a beast of a skimmer. And with the becketts and downdrafts the is no cheap parts to break, no mods to have to cut your skimmer up to make it work, and once you set it, you forget it. Just set back and let it eat...


Originally Posted by joncat24
with that range you are looking at the 800. With a pump that will total $800
I have and etss but if it were me for that kinda money and size of tank I would get a mrc-mr3, it is rated to 500 gallons for $415 plus pump which would be around $575 total. You could probably even get the mr2 with a mag 18 for around $450 total.
The nice thing about the mrc's is, say you got the mr2 and decided you needed more, you can add another injector for $25 if you search the site where u bid on stuff. and then it is like 2 skimmers in one.
Forgive me for rambling, but I have spent an enormous amount of time recently researching skimmers. All the rage right now on the other forums is the needlewheel pump skimmers, mainly because of less energy draw. PHOOey on energy usage, I dont care about spending an extra $4 or 5 every month for a beast of a skimmer. And with the becketts and downdrafts the is no cheap parts to break, no mods to have to cut your skimmer up to make it work, and once you set it, you forget it. Just set back and let it eat...

Awesome! Thanks for passing on the knowledge, I really appreciated it. I am very much researched out lately and just need some direction... :)


PHOOey on energy usage, I dont care about spending an extra $4 or 5 every month for a beast of a skimmer>>>
I am with you on this too, who care about a couple bucks when you are dumping a ton of $$ buying and maintaining beautiful corals, fish etc, why skimp on a no brainer.....
As for the needle wheel I was wondering if that was just a bunch of bling, and too gimmicky for me....
Thanks again,