Protein skimmers



I have 1 110 set up with a super skimmer 125 it is i think a red sea brand (got it used) it works, I guess! seems to be high maint, the ceramic shaft in power head has broken twice in 6 months.
I have new set up a 125g and been looking for a good skimmer.
They are both hang on skimmers.
I want a high quality effective skimmer. that are low profile especially inside the tank
the super has a huge power head & box in the aquarium
any ideas?

al mc

Active Member
Any hang on the back skimmer is going to have some material visible within the DT. I like Remora Pros for HOB. Depending on the biologic load (how many/size fish you have) you will probaly need two of them on a 100gallon plus tank.


My new tank which is the 125 has only 2 fish in it now it will be fish only for now, it has so fas about 75lbs lr, nearly 2 boxes. only has 2 chromis now, tried to catch to remove but had no luck.
as of now the tank will have fish from a 55g v.puffer, maroon clown, foxface, half black angel. I have a dragon goby no sure about it going in 125 because I want to put a lion in there eventually.
The 110 where the skimmer is dislike, the super high maint. has quite a few fish in it, I counted 21 fish plus coral, several inverts l/r rock in there is about 150lbs or more
i will check on the ramora pro, see what they have.
do they take up alot of room within aquarium also?
what about the octopus brand? or the other back pak one


With a water column that large if its at all possible I would advise plumbing them together with a common sump(in your basement/crawlspace) you will only have to deal with one water column which is so much simpler,one top off,one water change,chemistry heaters,and you can put a skimmer in the sump and get away from the hangons once and for all. its better to do it now then kick yourself and wind up doing it later wishing you had done it to begin with. You are keeping a serious amount of water get some serious equipment.


I am pretty new it this, so how would you go about doing that? sounds like something I wold actually do.
My sw aquariums are in a newer added on room of the house this is a crawl space, but the old part of the house has a full basement, so the question, (1 of many) would be how to set it up.
What would I use for a sump? another aquariom in the basement?
What would you use for Plumbing? simple pvc? different material?
Would the distance be to great for he water to travel?
would it have 1 pump each tank the pump would have a return line?
The distance of one tank would beat least 25 feet before breaking through the floor to go to tank.'
Is this even possible?
what size lines 1-2"?
Is there special lines for sw instead of standard lines?