protein skimmers

do i really ned a protein skimmer for an 80 gallon tank? if so which one are the best? i also knwo that the fulval 404 and also the others are not good to use with live sand or any sand for that matter, what would be the next best thing???


It really depends on how you want to filter your tank. There is people out there that dont use a skimmer. There is benifits to this, but I choose to run a skimmer along with live rock and live sand. I never heard the fluvals being bad with sand. Are you going for a fish tank or a reef?


I use a cpr bak pak. Very easy to use and probably the cheapest. I had one pump go out on it within 2 months of use but this was because I moved my tank and was running the pump while there was lots of sediment floating in the tank.

sinner's girl

We don't have a skimmer on our tanks but we don't have corals or anything that's hard to care for. we've never really had a problem (unless it was our fault.)
thank you for all of your imput. i have only a fish tank with not live rock, and i also have not invertabrates. so i guess a skimmer would not need to be there then?
thanks again


Active Member
Hmmmm not sure, a skimmer is very good for removing organic matter and the such, sometimes it is a necessity if you are using certain treatments.
I have a reef and it is almost essential, and I run it alongside LS and LR.
All the best,


Active Member
I agree with Tim. I think that protein skimmers are an essential for tanks unless you plan on keeping very few fish. IMO they are more important than filters because you can have enough bacteria in your sandbed and rock to do the same as a filter, but will have less nitrates in the water because less ammonia has to be converted to nitrites and then nitrates.


i asked the same question when i first started my 135... although i included alot of the suggestions (lots of rock, DEEP sand bed, and currently putting in a fuge).. but i did not put on a skimmer....
my reasons were simple.. didnt have the money for a good skimmer (Euro Reef), and i didnt want to waste my money messing with cheepos...
things in my tank have done very well in the short 5 months its been up and running. without a skimmer.... i was adding corals in the third month, and the original corals have grown very well, and all the corals look very healthy and are growing very well.. some are growing at alarmin rates.
I have no idea why but some of my guesses are that since i dont have a skimmer, there is much more organic matter in the water to feed my filter feeders.... but i am still saving for my skimmer of choice.


Active Member
I was going to remove my skimmer also after getting my refugium up and running. The thing that stopped me was the fact that my collection cup still filled with brown yucky stuff (hate to get so technical on you. hee hee) so I figure it's still doing some good. BTW, I run mine at night. (Opposite my lighting) and empty it about once a week.