Protien Skimmer on QT?


New Member
Myfish are sick. Ick i think. I put them in a 20 gallon qt. I used water from my 75. I have a lion, pork puffer, trigger, and a grouper. I have been adding about a gallon of fresh every day. The salinity is 1.20. SHould I use the protien skimmer from the 75 gallon?


Active Member

Originally posted by pprize
I have a lion, pork puffer, trigger, and a grouper

Those are all in the 20g? How big are they? Sounds pretty crowded. I would keep a very close eye on your water conditions.


Staff member
Plan on changing out about 5 gals a day for hypo on that size tank, otherwise you will never get to hyposaline conditions.
The skimmer won't work well, if at all, as the water becomes less saline. You will have to rely on mass water changes to keep ammonia and nitrites down. Take a look at the QT info in the FAQ Thread if you haven't already.
What are you using to measure salinity? If it is a plastic swingarm hydrometer, then it will not do. Also take a look at the info on refractometers in the FAQ Thread.