Protien Skimmer-When Does it Produce


Hello All,
My 55 gallon has been set up for two weeks now. I have about 22lbs of live rock and two fish in there right now - 1 Royal Gramma and 1 small panther grouper.
Ammonia is <.25 ppm
Nitrite about .05ppm
Niitrate 10ppm
There is brown diatom algae is coating the bottom of the tank right now.
In addition to the LR I am running an Amiracle SL-15 Wet/Dry filter.
My question is at what point will my skimmer start to produce some waste? Right now I am getting nothing.


what kind of skimmer is it I have a aqua c in sump and it started pulling stuff out after 2 weeks and hasn't stopped since


Active Member
A good protein skimmer would start pulling crap out pretty much right away. Right kind of protein skimmer is it?


Active Member

Originally posted by nizmike
The skimmer is built into my Amiracle SL-15 Wet Dry Filter.

Oh, I see. I am not familiar with that skimmer, but I have yet to find a skimmer/sump combo that seems to work at all. Do you have a picture? The skimmer might just need to be tuned a little.


same here that is what i was told about those wetdry skimmer combos hopefully you can tune it up though or maybe yank it out and do a little customizing yourself


Active Member
Looks like a typical venturi skimmer... There is probably a little valve on the airline hose that comes from the pump. I would go ahead and open that valve all the way and see if skimmate starts to form.


I open the valve, and get plenty of bubles and foam(I guess). However, the foam never gets close to reaching and climbing up into the collection cup.
Even when I adjust the gate, the foam only comes within an inch of the collection cup.


Active Member
Leave it all theway open for a few days.... The cup should eventually start to fill. Otherwise I guess you can try modifying the skimmer.