protien skimmers


are protien skimmers nesecery? i know that you should have one but snt it just to have one after a month after haveing fish in a tank.
anyone have any info i can use?


I suggest that you read the thread titled "advise for new hobbyists". It has a piece on skimmers. It will give you lots of info.
Good Luck.



Originally posted by ReefNut
I would highly recommend a skimmer. They are a very useful piece of equipment.

I Thought I could get by without one.. Till I got one and realized just how important they are.
I have one piece of advice. dont skimp on anything needed for the Tank. It costs a little more to get everything, but if you get everything that is suggested, this hobby is very satisfying. Its when we try to "get by without" is when we get frustrated because stuff isnt working, levels are off, fish are dying...I think you get the point.


My dad always said if you can't afford steak, eat hamburger. Buy what your wallet can afford....Even the low end skimmers that get trashed all over this forum are effective. Not everyone can afford high end items. You can break the bank with the high tech gizmos out there. My advice is to start out meek and progress, learn and upgrade.


Active Member

My dad always said if you can't afford steak, eat hamburger.

Smart Man!!
Even the low end skimmers that get trashed all over this forum are effective.
I would have to agree and disagree. Although something may be better than nothing... a low end skimmer is not necessarily "effective". If it is not removing enough dissolved organics to keep your nutrients in line then I would consider it ineffective. A high end skimmer is worth the money... IMO.
Not everyone can afford high end items. You can break the bank with the high tech gizmos out there.
IME purchasing low end equipment will cost you more in the long run.
My advice is to start out meek and progress, learn and upgrade.
This is my point. Buy low end now... buy high end latter... costs 1 1/2x more. Been there, done that.
JMO of course :)



Originally posted by vito525
My dad always said if you can't afford steak, eat hamburger.

Steak= Salt water tank
Hamburger= Freshwater.
I dissagree with the buy, learn ,upgrade.
Learn then buy. Saves alot of money ,heartache, and frustration.. as things die due to insufficient equiptment.


Active Member

Originally posted by jedi
Steak= Salt water tank
Hamburger= Freshwater.

Isn't that the truth... :yes:


Active Member
To paraphrase something I read in a book recently... If you will agreee to drink the gunk from a week's worth of skimming, I'll agree that skimmers aren't necessary. :rolleyes:



Originally posted by jedi
Steak= Salt water tank
Hamburger= Freshwater.

************************....Just 'cause I want a saltwater tank on a budget I get this thrown back in my face...FYI My 30 gallon is doing just fine....Levels are great...LR is thriving and my so called piece of trash skimmer and lights are working just fine thank you very much..and I did it all for <$500
**************************************************....I'll just lurk from here out


i own a SW and FW tank...i love my FW tank! my pirahna is a great source of entertainment...oh, and i also love hamburgers!


You made the comment. And It is very acurate. This Hobby is very expensive. If peeps cannot afford to buy the right equiptment to ensure a healthy happy life for the salt water fish, then they should not start a tank.
A salt water reef tank is the "elite" of aquarium keeping in my opinion. And as stated the "steak"
So.. It goes to reason by your statement , that if you cannot afford the salt water tank(steak) then you should get into a Fresh water tank(hamburger). Sorry if that offends you.
And Good for you that your 30 gallon is such a good tank. No one here says it isnt.
But the original question was was a skimer needed? I just added the advice to get the best he could, as not to waste money on so-so equiptment that will need to be upgraded in a few months as he grows.
I guess us "*******" will just have to make it through with out you...


Active Member
vito525, those kind of attacks and language will not be tolerated.
Everyone has the right to voice their opinions just as you do...


Reefnut...Please delete my account....I plan on moving to a more friendly board that tolerates lowlife teachers like me who don't have the $$$'s to afford Ferrari Fish Tanks. I will also never shop at this site again...I will post my experiences with this site on another board.
"Originally posted by jedi
Steak= Salt water tank
Hamburger= Freshwater. "
That wasn't my words...Use the force....and maybe a spellchecker next time you decide to "Qoute" me


Active Member
There is no reason to leave the board... stay, learn and share your experiences. Just because someone has a different opinion than you does not mean the board does not tolerate your opinion. Quite the contrary, all opinions are tolerated and welcome here. That doesn't mean everyone will always agree though.
Like I said before... "Buy low end now... buy high end latter... costs 1 1/2x more." that is my opinion and experience. If you disagree that's fine... I'm not going to start flaming you and calling you names over it... and I think the rest of us here deserve the same respect.
So blow it off and stick around... even teachers are welcome here :)