Proud keeper of mated pr of jawfish


They are the yellowhead jawfish and they arrived this past Tuesday. OMG..they are so beautiful...I am thrilled. I wish I could figure out which is the male and which is the female. One is larger, fleshier and sort of goofy; the other is smaller, slimmer and very industrious. While the larger one sat on the sand with its mouth open, the smaller one went to work building a burrow. They share the one burrow.
I'm getting use to them and they are getting use to me. I have not seen either eat, but they look nice & round.
I'll try to get a photo. These two fish are worth the 4 expensive years I have invested in this hobby.

I really like the species specific tank idea. I think my next one will be a catalina gobie tank.


Active Member
From Fishbase.....'' The male courts the female by swimming in an arched position with his fins spread towards her. ''


Active Member
In time they may likely spawn. The male will hold the eggs in his mouth and rotate the mass around, almost as though he is trying to spit it out. You may also notice a small dark spot bilaterally near the pectoral fin of the male. My male jaw had this only when spawning. Very neat fish. Good luck with them.