PS3 or 360 or Wii


Active Member
PS3 and u dont need any explantion!
but here you go
PS3- Graphics better than 360, Less anooying kids, Smoother gameplay, and Metal Gear Solid 4!
360 - Still breaks down like it did the day it was launched 3 years ago or however long its been
WII - no knockdown on this systems, very fun and can keep u busy for 5+ hours at a time and you wont even know it passed. Also it can be a good work for real playing like those olympic games and what not. Only thing is it more family friendly so not many "SERIOUS" titles?


Active Member
i have the 360 and the Wii...
all three of them have their good points and bad points... basically it just comes down to if youre a HALO player or a MGS player... the graphics on all three next gen sytems are great... i like the feel of the controller on the PS3 the best... the ONLY reason i have a 360 is because i picked it up super cheap with 10 games... i will be getting a PS3 once the price drops to a reasonable price point...
the Wii is for younger kids and adults... if youre between the ages of 13 to 25 you probably arent gonna get alot of enjoyment out of it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i have the 360 and the Wii...
basically it just comes down to if youre a HALO player or a MGS player...
the Wii is for younger kids and adults... if youre between the ages of 13 to 25 you probably arent gonna get alot of enjoyment out of it...
That could win you over. Esp since 360 now has GTA also. Which would had given the ps3 even more sells...
So are u a MASTER CHIEF guy or some good OLD SNAKE? MGS4 is awesome!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
That could win you over. Esp since 360 now has GTA also. Which would had given the ps3 even more sells...
So are u a MASTER CHIEF guy or some good OLD SNAKE? MGS4 is awesome!
actually Rebel the only FPS game i play is Gears of War... i play Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Sports Games, and Driving games... and thats pretty much it...


Active Member
ugh ive given up on the sports game ill a play is FPS... COd4, MGs4, Army of 2, GTA4, Haze, COd3, Time Crysis, Kane n Lynch, way more games but u get the drift
Dats another good game on ps3... Time Crysis 4... Its fun to pop in when having a few drinks and have company over, blasting the tv with the guns like a good arcade game!

reef noob

I just found out my family wants a wii for christmas
so its down to a ps3 or 360. i like the feel of xbox controllers better and my boss doesnt want his anymore, so he might cut me a deal.
then i could get a 360 and a PS3. woot


Active Member
ugh never have been a fan of the xbox controllers. compared to all the old games and new one. those have to be one of the worst, but the reg xbox def gets the worst huge controller award.
playstations controllers are so smoonth and fit the hand just right.
But if u can get a deal and get both might as well!


Active Member
No, the layout is the same, the PS3 controller just have that built-in six-axis stuff that's never been fully utilized. IMO, the PS controllers are terrible, mainly only because of one reason, the position of the left thumbstick. For any type of a lengthy constant use, like for racing games, it gets uncomfortable if you have larger hands. And if you tell me to use the D-pad, you have no business playing racing games....
I would say 360. PS has lost it's hold on exclusive games. Really, any good games are available for the 360 as well, and usually they have been debuting on the 360 first. I prefer the 360 because of it's exclusive games, namely Halo and Forza.


never really cared for the PS controller, i dont think it fits right, but the 360 controller on the other hand i think fits my hand perfectly, plus fable 2 is coming out soon woot!!


cant belive nobody has mentioned the PS3 is a bluray player also. i have PS3 360 and the wii and have to say each has there own good and bad points
PS3 has poor game library for now/ great graphics,free online,good control,does alot of stuff a PC can/ this is the system of the future just waiting for the rest of the industry to catch up.
360 still has games that need 4 disc/ online is really easy to get into but you have to pay for it/ lots of games avalible
wii does not have very much adult content / many games are geared towards multi player/party type...which is good when u got friends over, nuthin better than talkin smak andowning somebody in a game of tennis !
so you should get all of them and then you wont miss a thing.


I have the 360 and the wii
I admit that the ps3 is good but....... its game library sucks (except for mgs4)
The 360 well what can I say? Many people have complained about them breaking but Ive had mine for over 2 years and have never had a problem with it. Xbox live although you have to pay for it is amazing and simple to hook up and use. The 360's library is amazing (with games such as halo and gears of war Only problem with the 360 is that it may break and it doesnt havent mgs4 :(
Wii is a fun party system


Active Member
The PS3 is slowly re-taking its rightful place back at the top of the food chain.
HD-DVD is dead, PS3 has no red lights, Look at the guts inside.. the 360 is made up of 4 cpus, 3 are dedicated to gaming.. PS3 well it has 8 cpu, and the Nvidia 8800 video card... When they finally make a game that can test to its full extent, it will shock the world..


My gaming ability stops at PS1, yes, ONE, so I love the Wii. It lets me waste time and it's a blast to knock down towers of blox, golf, and bowl. It offers more than just games, which is why I like it. It offers activity.
They all rock, but like I said, I can't play the others. I just suck at em. So I watch the PS3 and the 360 get played, and I live for my Friday night Wii parties!~


Active Member
I think there is little doubt that the hardware in the PS3 is better, just to bad they don't have Halo 3


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I think there is little doubt that the hardware in the PS3 is better, just to bad they don't have Halo 3
Halo is so overrated to me. But now since Halo is done and the makers of Halo are now with PS whats next for the 360?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Halo is so overrated to me. But now since Halo is done and the makers of Halo are now with PS whats next for the 360?
HaBlow runs and plays waaay to slow... Play Resistance or Unreal for real FPS multiplayer