Originally Posted by
If you don't have a Blu-Ray player, and aren't a fan of Halo, that might be significant enough to sway my opinion to a PS3. I have a 360, and my roommate had a PS3. We played the 360 about 3 to 1. Forza, Halo, Left for Dead on the 360. Vs. Fifa 2009 on the PS3. If the comments on Halo are too offensive, also keep in mind PSN is largely unmoderated, with people with bad s/names, clan names, and just as bad mouths as in Halo. As SD08 points out, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see PSN no longer be free. A year of Xbox Live for $49.99 really isn't that much in the scheme of things.
For movies, Microsoft does have the deal with Netflix, so you can D/L watch any movie that you could get with Netflix.
Going back to what you said, racing games. Well, the simple fact of the matter is that Forza 3 is out, and Gran Turismo 5's release date is continually pushed back, now it's at March 2010.
The comments arent offensive. I have my fair share of a sailors mouth. Its just that they are morons. They tell people I will screw your mom two ways sideways and yadda yadda. Its comical at first but gets annoying as hell real fast.
Im not really huge into the shooter games but would rathe rplay one that is sorta real. Call Of Duty IMo is better than Halo. Id rather throw on NCAA or Madden and rock out. The hockey games are supposed to be great as well.
Netflix I dont mind so much from there. I wont use the online gaming as much. Im not huge into video games. Hence why Im 27 and asking about them but I just bought a house and looking to kill time. I could get into these games.
I will probably settle on the PS3 for the blu ray. Thank you everybody