Public Official Scum Bag


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Kenner police get arrest warrant for city's CAO
05:16 PM CDT on Thursday, September 22, 2005
Associated Press
KENNER, La. -- Kenner police obtained a warrant today to arrest the city's chief administrative officer, Cedric Floyd, on a charge of malfeasance in office for allegedly diverting truckloads of hurricane relief supplies to his home.
His pending arrest not only subjects Floyd to prosecution but seems likely to fuel long-standing political differences between Police Chief Nick Congemi and Floyd's boss, Mayor Phil Capitano, who defeated Congemi in the 2004 mayoral election.
Police say they retrieved several truckloads of donated supplies from Floyd's home while executing a search warrant Tuesday night.
They said they hauled off new clothing, tools and cases of food and medicine.
Capitano suspended Floyd without pay yesterday.
Malfeasance in office, a felony, occurs when a public official uses the power of his office to commit a crime.
Floyd says the goods weren't stolen, but were destined for people who couldn't get to a distribution center in Kenner.
State Attorney General Charles Foti's office is assisting Kenner police in the investigation.


Active Member
I've been following the story on this piece of garbage. CNN did a piece where the police chief was scremaing at this official to open up shelters for the hispanic area of Kenner that was hard hit. They let these poor folks with nothing other than water and some of those delicious meals. No roof over many of their heads as the large apartment complex they lived at had substancial roof damge, etc.
This piece of human debris left them there.
More wonderful official/employeees of this City....
City probes whether employees took donations meant for public
08:43 PM CDT on Sunday, September 18, 2005
Associated Press
KENNER — Officials are responding to complaints that city workers helped themselves to cases of Gatorade, brand-new clothing and other donated items that were intended for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Philip Ramon, chief of staff to Kenner Mayor Philip Capitano, said the city has removed the official who had presided over the distribution.
City officials planned to investigate the alleged pilfering, but Ramon added that many employees were themselves hurricane victims.
"If they can get some supplies they need, then God bless them," he said.
Thousands of hurricane-stricken residents of the city a few miles west of New Orleans have been lining up each day at a furniture store parking lot to get clothing, food, household items and tons of other donated supplies.
Each evening, after the site closed to the public, city employees browsed the pallets and took supplies, said Robert Shumate, a trucker from Union City, Tenn., who dropped off a load of ice last week and stayed to help distribute the goods.
"I saw it every day," he said. "It's like community property over there."
Kenner police officer Mark McCormick said National Guard soldiers told him that the city official in charge of the distribution and other city employees had taken brand-new clothing from Ryder trucks and handed it out among themselves.
National Guard spokesman Capt. John Cannon said Sunday he had no information about the complaints.
But residents in the city of 70,000 said they were disgusted that municipal workers might have taken more than their share of the donations.
"It's awful," said Melody Kirkwood, a storm victim who came to the parking lot to get ice. "There's a lot of people who need things, and it's a shame they're doing that. A real shame."


Active Member
Scoba: the story on CNN you spoke of where the two men the offical you spoke of the person that was arrested with truckloads of stuff at his house? Kenner is one of the towns I told you about that was still pretty devastated and Nagin said to come back to. The family we know is from Kenner and they said "no way, too much wreckage" still. Streets, infrastructure etc... They never saw the peice on CNN and I had told them about it. Just wanting to be able to clairify for them.
I thought it was horrible that those people were living in the apts. that entire 2nd floors were ripped off. No utilities, food, water.........nothing!! Several areas of town just like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
Scoba: the story on CNN you spoke of where the two men the offical you spoke of the person that was arrested with truckloads of stuff at his house? Kenner is one of the towns I told you about that was still pretty devastated and Nagin said to come back to. The family we know is from Kenner and they said "no way, too much wreckage" still. Streets, infrastructure etc... They never saw the peice on CNN and I had told them about it. Just wanting to be able to clairify for them.
I thought it was horrible that those people were living in the apts. that entire 2nd floors were ripped off. No utilities, food, water.........nothing!! Several areas of town just like that.


Active Member
Some areas of Kenner were hard hit with flooding others faired well. The area with flooding that I am aware of was west of Williams Blvd and parts of Chateau Estates. Many areas in this City faired well.


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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Arrest warrant issued for Kenner CAO
By Mary Swerczek
Kenner bureau
Kenner police obtained a warrant Thursday to arrest the city’s chief administrative officer, Cedric Floyd, on a charge of malfeasance in office for allegedly diverting truckloads of hurricane relief supplies to his home.
His pending arrest not only subjects Floyd to prosecution but seems likely to fuel longstanding political differences between Police Chief Nick Congemi and Floyd’s boss, Mayor Phil Capitano, who defeated Congemi in the 2004 mayoral election.
Police said they retrieved several truckloads of donated supplies from Floyd’s home while executing a search warrant Tuesday night. They said they hauled off new clothing, tools and cases of food and medicine. Capitano suspended Floyd without pay the next day.
Until then, Floyd had been one of Capitano’s top two aides, managing the daily government operations of Louisiana’s sixth-largest city and supervising all personnel except for the Legal, Fire and Police departments. His annual salary is $82,522.
Capt. Steve Caraway, a Police Department spokesman, said officers informed Floyd’s attorney of the arrest warrant and were told Floyd would turn himself in for booking. Malfeasance in office, a felony, occurs when a public official uses the power of his office to commit a crime.
Earlier Thursday, Floyd disputed allegations that he usurped loads of supplies intended for Hurricane Katrina victims, saying he was merely a conduit for moving the supplies from a city-run relief site to a Kenner church that would later distribute them to needy people in the Susan Park neighborhood.
“We gave stuff in bulk,” he said. “What is too much?”
Floyd said the items were destined for Mark Mitchell, pastor of New Hope Community Church, and Mitchell agreed.
“We just kept missing each other to get these goods,” Mitchell said Thursday.
On two earlier occasions, Floyd took donated goods to Mitchell instead of requiring the pastor to go to the city distribution center at 25th Street and Williams Boulevard, both men said.
Military officials who had been working at the distribution site initiated the complaint against Floyd.
State Attorney General Charles Foti’s office is assisting Kenner police in the investigation.



Active Member
I've heard a couple times that Louisiana has one of the most corrupt political systems from top to bottom of any state in the country. I am beginning to think it is true.
Saw one story about a congressman that diverted a National Guard truck to take him to his house so he could evacuate his belongings while rescue opporations were still going on. If that is true he should be thrown out of office.


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Originally Posted by reefraff
I've heard a couple times that Louisiana has one of the most corrupt political systems from top to bottom of any state in the country. I am beginning to think it is true.
Saw one story about a congressman that diverted a National Guard truck to take him to his house so he could evacuate his belongings while rescue opporations were still going on. If that is true he should be thrown out of office.
William Jefferson who is currently under invertigation for some "transgressions" or "errors in judgement".
yes, my ex-home state has some of the best politicians money can buy.
There are many good and noble officials in the state...but they do have their share of scum bags as well.
Unfortunately, corrunption exists at all levels of government throughout this country...but there are MANY good folks in civil service and elected officials too.


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One thing I can say about Montana is we have our fair share of elected idiots but there just isn't enough money in politics here to draw in a lot of crooks.


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Originally Posted by TangMan99
I hope this piece of #$%#- goes to prison and then let the fun begin!


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Originally Posted by TangMan99
I hope this piece of #$%#- goes to prison and then let the fun begin!
Who's your daddy!


Active Member
I finally found it...cut and paste from the cnn incident caught on tape..
On Friday, the police chief and Cedric Floyd, Capitano's chief administrative officer, got into a shouting match in front of a Cable News Network news crew over the fate of residents of the storm-damaged Redwood Apartments, which caters to working poor Hispanic Americans.
As Floyd made a food delivery to complex residents, Congemi accused him of trying to force them to leave Kenner. Congemi said Kenner needs to build housing for them.
"The truth is that you all don't want these people here, and you're trying to run them off. That's what this is really about," Congemi said, according to a transcript of the exchange that ran on CNN that night.
"Chief, guess what? I'm a minority. And you discriminate. You discriminate," said Floyd, who is African-American.
"You're a rich minority. A rich minority," Congemi replied. "You run off your mouth about how much you care about these people, and you don't give them anything."


Active Member
That's okay...we'll make you CAO anyway...
As if they didn't already know about him...
Cedric Floyd, a former member of the Jefferson Parish School Board, violated the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act by loaning campaign funds to an individual when the loan was not related to his campaign or the holding of his public office. A $500 penalty was imposed. 18:1505.2(I) No. 98-386