Puffdaddy's Eye


New Member
Our pufferfish "Puffdaddy" has injured his left eye. It has become cloudy and if you look real close you can see a small spot which looks like an injury.
I am familiar with eye injuries in other animals but not sure what if anything we can do for him. He seems happy and is eating.


New Member
Thanks for your feedback.
He is a brackesh water Puffer but has been in our tank for 8 months, doing fine. Only one eye is cloudy and it appears as though it was stuck. He does investigate/bother snail and crabs occaisionally, so maybe he got too close.


Active Member
My puffer got stuck in the powerhead the first day that I brought him home. his eye looked caved in and cloudy. After about a week of so you culdn't even tell that he had a little accident. he is not blind and his eye is fine. Maybe is will get better with time.


New Member
I have a coral beauty with an eye injury. It is slowly getting better. Maybe eye injuries take longer to heal than other injuries (like injuries to fins). I put my fish in the medical tank and have given him antibiotics, just to prevent infection.
One website said to use 1 teaspoon of epson salts per 5 gallons in a medical tank for eye injuries. It did NOT help my fish, it may have taken away some discomfort the fish had, but saw no evidence of healing.



Originally posted by CharlieT
Thanks for your feedback.
He is a brackesh water Puffer but has been in our tank for 8 months, doing fine. Only one eye is cloudy and it appears as though it was stuck. He does investigate/bother snail and crabs occaisionally, so maybe he got too close.

if he has been doing fine for 8 months then he doesnt have any problems w/ the SG.
But another thing, every fish can injure itsself both in nature and in aquariums. Some of them recover, some dont. But a its harder for a brackish water fish to recover in saltwater. You can try fresh water dip. Also try disease forum i am sure beth and terry will help you much more then i can
Take Care


New Member
My Puffer also had an eye injury which caused it to swell and become cloudy. I was really worried about it, but he healed up just fine. No medication used or anything, just time. (three weeks to be exact)


I also have a blue tang that got an eye injury, but it was gone in a week. He didn't act any different at all while it was swollen and cloudy.


New Member
Good News!! Our Puffer's eye is much better. It has only been a couple of days but it is almost impossible to see where it had been injured and it is no longer cloudy.
Thanks for all your feedback.


Let me get this straight the puffer is a brackish water puffer and he is in a salt water tank. Is that really possible? Can the puffer actually survive in that salinity? If so, Charlie T what is your salinity level? I would love to have one of those puffers in my tank. Thanks


New Member
Our water is 1.024 right now. I am about to add some fresh water to top off which will bring it down a bit. It is always more than 1.021.
Our LFS almost always has these guys in stock. Most puffers are able to live well in a wide variety of salinaty levels. I was in Florida a couple of weeks ago and saw some (6-8 at 4-6 inches each) good size leopard puffers in an inlet which is brackish (actally called a lake).
There is an online FS that does carry these guys. You can email me at charliet@ctalpacas.com and I'll send you the site.
I see you are from Chicago. My Brother works at the Shedd Aq. diving in the main tank and giving lectures while under water.
I tool the spong off of my powehead because it was all nasty and I didnt even think about it. My Porky was caught in there this morning, I had to help him out after I turned it off. his left side of his face was caught in it. He has a huge bulge now on his side, and his eye is a little caved in. I havent seen him all day as I have been at work. I hope he will be ok! Is there anything I need to make sure I do?


Hey charlie, I had that kind in my tank for a year and it did fine, I kept it at .023 for a year, but it too got the exact same thing. I noticed after a few days that there was a thing hangin off of the eye, and asked and it was a parasite, so if you notice a parasite that developes, take a cotton swap and gently get it off as I did, and he just healed up and was great, but you may just have clowdy eye. I would go into the disease forumn and ask beth to just make sure. Mine got nasty when it got big, and starting biting all the fish, I almost cried when I had to trade him into the lfs. He ate right outa my hand.
That was 4 months ago, and I miss the guy still. Well, hope your little guy gets better as mine did. I reasurched that type, when I had mine, and they frequently spend years in salt, and then go back to brackish, then freshwater, then salt, and so on, so don't worry about that. Good luck, ali