puffer and anemone ?


Active Member
what's the chances that this could work? its a stars and stripes puffer. I don't won't to get rid of the fish, but I will if I have to, but I am wanting to add an anemone and some zoas down the line. I tried placing a featherduster in the tank and had to take it out due to it being picked at. how about a koran angel with the mentioned as well? sorry if I placed this in the wrong forum.


Originally Posted by prime311
There's a good chance the Anemone will be fine.
I think when corals and such are injured by puffers it is typically when the puffer is chasing after food, not intentional. They are however quite curious at times...might have to sample it. Overall though I agree with prime, most likely it would be fine.


Active Member
alright. ill have to scratch the zoas then. m wife would kill me if I tried to get rid of her angel. I would have gotten rid of the puffer but not the angel