Puffer and lion?


Does anyone know if a dwarf Lionfish and Valentini Puffer could go in the same tank. If u don't know that do u know how big of a tank i would need for a pair of dwarf Lions


Active Member
Its a 50/50 chance of them being fine. make sure they are small. They both tend to become agreessive once they get larger.


if i get them both when theyre small is there a better chance of them not fighting when theyre big because theyve been together for a while


Active Member
Get them smaller. If they are bigger and have been together for a while and then put into a new tank. They wont know each other and think its a new friend? Emeny?. When you put fish in a new tank they tend to forgot everything. Stick with the small and not take the chances. (1-2'')


Just for yer knowledge b4 you put those two species together, lions dont tend to do well with puffers. Lions dont give a crap about anything that wont wit in their mouthes, they can carealess, not aggressive in the least bit in that sense. BUT, puffers just LOVE nipping away at poor lions fins. Bad combination. If they are fine in the store, id chance it. Otherwise, id stay away from the combination. And u claim to be an aggressive expert Lionfish12? tsk tsk tsk...:nope:


Yes, wuite. He doesnt know diddly squat about anything. Being on this site, i suppose, helps to raise his self esteem in a sense. I dont know what his deal really is though...


LOL Liontamer! Take It From Me Lions ARE NOT Good Tankmates For Puffers! The Reason Being Is Because Puffers Will Kill Lion, Part Of Fin By Part Of Fin And Don't Care About The Lions Poison. I Would NOT Try It.


Active Member
it is a CASE BY CASE BASIS.like some "Reef safe"fish turn out to be coral nippers.ive heard sucess stories of puffers and lion and ive heard stories that didnt turn out so well.


i have a porc puffer and a volitan they are fine 2gether. my lion is a few inches bigger, which always helps if lion is bigger. if puffer is bigger, your chances fall drastically. good luck



This is the truth, but about 90% of the time id say that puffers and lions turn out to be disasters.

Its funny I saw this post, because I was going to post one similar to this one...
I lost my V. Lion fish last night, it was about 3 inches. I keep it with a hawaiian spoted puffer about 3 inches also...I think they had a fight at night (prior to this I saw the puffer picking at the Lion) and I found the Lion dead and the puffer has some swollen marks on his face and is not eating and is hidding...I think its going to die.
Sooo...I had no luck
I think I'm gonna pull out the puffer and get a new Lion..


the hawaiian puffers are lil bast4rds. they attack anything. I had a 4 inch one that wouldn't leave my 2 foor snowflake alone. i'd stay away from hawaiian puffers