puffer..asking for trouble?


i would really like to add this to my tank. its 120g with soft corals....gsp, frogspawn, leathers, zoos, etc.
this site says puffers are not "reef safe."
am i asking for trouble in getting one?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Puffers are carnivores and only eat invertabrate like crabs, shrimp, and snails. So they are ok with corals. At least thats what I've read about the porcupine puffer.


Active Member
yep he will love to eat almost everything in that aquarium including your snails, hermits, anemones, and corals.
Diet: Pufferfish are carnivores (meat-eaters). They eat corals, sponges, sea urchins, other echinoderms, and small crustaceans. Pufferfish crush and grind up their prey with their heavy, fused teeth.


well forget that....i got a huge CBS that he would likely chase down the first day.....any other ideas for a good "show fish" with the following current stock list:
120g DT, 30g Fuge
Coral Beauty
Flame Angel
2 YT
3 Paj Cardinals
Frogspawn, Zoos, Leathers, GSP, Etc...All Soft
CBS, Serpent Star, Hermits, Snails


Active Member
Mmm. large tank like that I would go for a red sea pruple tang but that is because it is one of my favorite fish.


thx but site says not to keep with YT. My YT is very aggressive already and has killed two of its own!
i love the tangs and have seen some amazing ones in the public aquariums but never know what they are called since the public aquariums dont list the livestock in their tanks.
i will keep looking!

jonny bolt

What type of Puffah are you talking about? I added a very large CBS to my tank about a year after I had my Puff, and tha Puff doesnt even look at him. I think it just depends on the demeanor of the particular fish. My Puff did eat a bunch of my Turbo Snails, but the odd thing is, he left the biggest one alone, I still have it. I also have Cerith Snails, and a hermit crab that he doesnt bother. I swear these fish can "learn" somewhat, and are not dumb as some people may think. If they can learn feeding patterns, I believe they can also "learn" to live with other things in their given environment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LAZARUS
thx but site says not to keep with YT. My YT is very aggressive already and has killed two of its own!
i love the tangs and have seen some amazing ones in the public aquariums but never know what they are called since the public aquariums dont list the livestock in their tanks.
i will keep looking!
whoops my bad I missed the yellow tangs on your list. sorry.


Active Member
toby (sharpnose) puffers may or may not attempt to eat your shrimp. with the shrimp being in there 1rst and toby's coming so small (usually around 2" with a max size of 4-5") theres a pretty good chance they will do fine. I wouldn't worry about the corals. may nip though.


New Member
Coral beauty or Flame angels are always a very nice touch... A real conversation peace would be a Mandarin Goby if you have live rock! They are beautiful and despite of popular opinion, they are not that hard to take care of. Mine Mandarin is probably the most talked about fish in my tank...


Active Member
My porky puffer never has ate any corals, or anemones, and I've had him for over 2 years now, with both corals and anemones. I also have him with a sea urchin, and 2 sea hares, and he does not bother them either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
My porky puffer never has ate any corals, or anemones, and I've had him for over 2 years now, with both corals and anemones. I also have him with a sea urchin, and 2 sea hares, and he does not bother them either.
You probably keep him very well fed.
Its just not a risk I would reccomend, your puffer being so well behaved would be considered Atypical of the general behaviour patterns of most puffers. Its cool that it works for you though. I love hearing about unusual success stories like that.