Puffer compatibility w/ other Puffers


I read that puffers are not compatible with other puffers?
Is this true? Anyone with any experiance?
Just wondering if I could keep a Porc Puffer and a Blue Haw Puffer together....


Its always a gamble. I had a stellatus and stars and stars and stripes puffers in a 300. They grew up together. They were both around the 15" mark when they fought it out to the death one night. No obvious reason, they just decided to duke it out. I lost them both. I had a map puffer that would kill just about everything and would even cut the cords off the power heads. They might be fine one day and not the next. Just keep a close eye for agression if you do keep more than one.


Staff member
Is there a such thing as a mated pair puffer that might be compatible?
I've don't just about everything I've wanted to do in this hobby---except keep a pufferfish.