puffer converted my reef tank...now what


i love this little guy (hawaiin blue puffer) to get rid of him. he already ate my zoos, feather duster, and possibly other corals, now, i think he is done and is satisfied with flake and brine. he has left my CBS and fish alone, or at least i think so.
so it seems i no longer have a reef tank like i used to. i am now eyeing some of the triggers, do you think they would eat whats left?
i have gorgonias, GSP, some leather-like stuff. and the CBS.
Would a trigger go after these?


Active Member
Im not to educated on triggers but I believe most of them do eat corals and inverts.


Active Member
This isn't related, but just in case you don't know. Brine shrimp have basically no nutritional value. Even if they are vitamin enriched they are only as good as the vitamins. Also, in case you don't know, puffers need some sort of shells to crunch on or their teeth will become overgrown. Good luck w/him and have fun creating a FOWLR. I don't know much about triggers, but if you ask in the aggressive section I'm sure people would be happy to tell you about them. Or if you search "reef triggers" there will probably be some posts that talk about the subject.